Anatomy of the Perfect Game UI: The Secrets of UX/UI Design

BG Games
4 min readJun 19, 2024


BG Games

The unassuming rectangle in front of you — a monitor, a TV screen, or the glowing expanse of a phone — is a gateway to countless worlds. Video games transport us to fantastical landscapes, challenging us with puzzles, pitting us against cunning AI or wily human opponents, and weaving intricate narratives. But for players to become truly immersed in these experiences, a critical element exists beyond the intricate code and stunning visuals, and it is what BG Games will tell you about — the user interface (UI).

UI in video games refers to the system of visual components that allow players to interact with the game’s narrative and break into the game space. It includes menus, button prompts, heads-up displays (HUDs), and other interactive elements. Effective UI design ensures that players can easily navigate, find information, and accomplish their goals within the game.

UX in gaming is largely measured by playability, which refers to the player’s experience of enjoyment and entertainment. A well-designed UI can significantly impact playability and UX by making the game more intuitive and engaging. It can guide players to comprehend and manage their in-game goals, settings, and moment-to-moment gameplay.

The Pillars of Effective Game UI Design

Creating the perfect game UI requires a delicate dance between usability and visual appeal. Here are the fundamental pillars that underpin successful game UI design:

  • Clarity and Simplicity: At its core, a good UI should be self-explanatory. Players shouldn’t have to spend hours deciphering cryptic symbols or wade through mountains of text to understand how to play. Take, for example, the minimalistic UI of early Super Mario Bros. The simple on-screen indicators for lives, score, and time were instantly understandable, allowing players to focus on the core gameplay loop of running, jumping, and collecting coins.
  • Information Hierarchy: Not all information is created equal. A well-designed UI prioritizes crucial gameplay details like health bars, ammo counts, and objective markers, ensuring they are readily available in the player’s field of view. Secondary information like inventory management or character stats can be tucked away in dedicated menus, accessible but not cluttering the primary screen. The UI in games like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild exemplifies this principle. The clean heads-up display (HUD) prioritizes essential details like stamina and enemy health, while the detailed map and inventory screens are accessed through a dedicated menu button.
  • User Experience (UX) Focus: The UI should feel like a natural extension of the player’s actions. Controls and menus should be responsive and intuitive, following established gaming conventions whenever possible. For instance, the ubiquitous “X” button to interact with objects in countless games has become muscle memory for many players. Deviating from these conventions can create unnecessary confusion. Remember, the UI should serve the player, not the other way around.
  • Visual Appeal: While clarity reigns supreme, a beautiful UI can elevate the overall gaming experience. Consider the stunning menus of sci-fi RPG Mass Effect 2, where holographic interfaces shimmer and pulse with futuristic energy, perfectly complementing the game’s setting. Effective UI design strikes a balance between functionality and aesthetics, ensuring the interface is informative and pleasurable to interact with.

The core principles of UI design remain consistent across genres, but successful implementation requires tailoring the interface to the specific demands of the game. A first-person shooter needs a clear HUD that prioritizes health, ammo, and enemy location. A complex strategy game might require a more elaborate UI to manage unit production, resource allocation, and intricate tech trees.

Secrets and Insights from Industry Experts:

Industry professionals have shared their insights on effective UI design in games:

Micah, a Verified Expert in Design at Toptal, emphasizes the importance of understanding the game’s narrative and art direction when creating a game interface. Designers need to know how the interface advances players through the story and how art direction influences the visual style of the components.

Stephan Dube, Principal UX/UI Designer at Arrivant, and other UI/UX designers at leading game studios such as Ubisoft and Gameloft, have undoubtedly contributed their expertise to creating intuitive and visually appealing interfaces.

The Future of Game UI: Embracing New Frontiers

The future of game UI design is likely to be shaped by several key trends:

  • Voice control and gesture recognition: Voice commands and motion controls offer a more natural way for players to interact with games. Future UIs might allow players to issue commands or navigate menus through voice or gestures, further blurring the line between the real world and the virtual one.
  • Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): As AR and VR technologies mature, game UIs will need to adapt to these new realities. Imagine vital information being overlaid on the real world in AR games, or menus appearing directly in a player’s virtual field of view in VR.
  • AI-powered UIs: Artificial intelligence could personalize the UI based on individual player preferences and skill levels. Imagine a system that dynamically adjusts the complexity of menus or offers contextual hints based on player behavior.

UI — A Bridge Between Player and Game

The game UI is more than just pixels on a screen. It’s the invisible hand that guides players through a virtual world. By understanding the core principles of UI design, tailoring interfaces to specific genres, and embracing new technologies, game developers can create experiences that are both intuitive and visually stunning. A well-designed UI is the bridge that allows players to truly immerse themselves in the magic of video games, becoming active participants in a story that unfolds on the screen. So, the next time you boot up your favorite game, take a moment to appreciate the UI — the often-overlooked masterpiece that silently guides you on your digital adventure!

