Evolution of game genres: how the world of video games has changed

BG Games
3 min readAug 30, 2023


BG Games

With the birth of gaming at the end of the 20th century, one of the most exciting and dynamic eras in entertainment history began. The rise and fall of companies, new technologies and genres, and endless amazing worlds — all make the gaming industry truly unique. In this article, BG Games will join you on an exciting journey along the timeline to examine the key stages in the evolution of game genres that have shaped the world of video games into what it is today!

1. Emergence and Formation: from arcade roots to role-playing depth (1970s-1990s)

In the early 1970s, the first arcade games, such as “Pong” (1972), appeared, setting the foundation for future advances. In the 1980s, arcades like “Space Invaders” (1978) and “Pac-Man” (1980) won the hearts of players, laying the foundation for many elements of games thereafter.

Early RPGs like “Rogue” (1980) offered players choice, character development, and dungeon exploration. Here the foundations for future role-playing genres were laid.

2. Blossoming and innovation: from 16-bit graphics to a three-dimensional world (1990s)

The 1990s brought a revolution in graphics and gameplay. Faced with the limitations of technical capabilities, developers sought ways to bring depth and complexity to games. Platformers like “Super Mario World” (1990) immersed players in adventure worlds with unparalleled variety.

Strategy games like “Command & Conquer” (1995) and “Age of Empires” (1997) allowed players to take control of entire civilizations and build empires. These games began to form the deep mechanics that would later come to characterize the strategy genres.

3. The advent of 3D and new horizons: from zoomorphic heroes to life simulators (2000s)

The 2000s brought a new round of development — three-dimensional graphics. Shooters like “Doom 3” (2004) and “Half-Life 2” (2004) created a new level of immersion and dynamics in games.

With the advent of “The Sims” (2000), life simulators, players were able to interact with virtual worlds on a deeper level by creating and controlling characters and their environments.

4. Opening up the online world and the mobile revolution: MMORPGs and mobile games (2010s).

In the 2010s, gaming became even more social due to the development of online games and MMORPGs. Games like “World of Warcraft” (2004) and “Guild Wars 2” (2012) allowed players to collaborate and compete in huge multiplayer worlds.

Mobile games have become an integral part of our daily lives. “Angry Birds” (2009) and “Candy Crush Saga” (2012) were prime examples of simple yet addictive games available on mobile devices.

Eternal evolution

The evolution of game genres is a story of the pursuit of the new, of innovation and diversity. From humble pixel beginnings to multi-dimensional virtual worlds, games have become part of our culture and inspired millions. With each decade, each new technological breakthrough, games have transformed to amaze us with their beauty, depth, and impact on our world. The evolution of games continues, and the future promises us even more amazing worlds and stories!

